Vidbynäs Gård
About 40 minutes by car from the capital of Sweden you will find Vidbynäs Gård, a conference hotel in a beautiful environment near the water and with a focus on golf.
The rooms consist of cottages where the larger rooms can accommodate both sauna and terrace. I can imagine that this is a place for golfers who want to stay a little longer, maybe a week or a more extended weekend.
Unfortunately, the surroundings were the only thing that impressed me, and I don't think I will revisit Vibynäs, neither the rooms nor the food appealed to me very much.
If you choose one of the larger houses you will get a large terrace and your own sauna
The upper floor of the castle was a perfect place for a whiskey in the large armchairs
An authentic Brunswick pool table upstairs in the castle
The worst Christmas food I have ever had :(
If you visit the hotel in the winter I recommend that you take a walk down to the water, snow and sun made this walk absolutely wonderful
Unfortunately, there is nothing that tempts me to revisit Vibynäs, maybe if golf was something for me.
The only thing that speaks for this accommodation is the surroundings. 2.5/5